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Rewind Friday’s Outtake

So I forgot an artist I meant to put on Friday’s post yesterday – The Most Serene Republic.  My apologies to any Canadian music frenzy that ensued due to this obvious omission (and I had 3 other “Arts & Crafts” bands!!).  Oh well, to make it up, here are three little diddies from the Milton, Ontario troupe.


“In Places, Empty Spaces” (mp3)
from “Underwater Cinematographer”
(Arts & Crafts)

More On This Album

“Stay Ups” (mp3)
from “Phages”
(Arts & Crafts)

More On This Album

“Sherry and Her Butterfly Net” (mp3)
from “Population”
(Arts & Crafts)

More On This Album




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One response to “Rewind Friday’s Outtake”

  1. […] The Most Serene Republic – Stay Ups […]