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Brian Borcherdt releases double album and new video. Slowcoustic raises hands to heavens, pauses to reflect…

I have been a fan of Borcherdt for a couple of years now.  His Coyotes album from last year was my top pick for the year and is still an outstanding album today — I just can’t recommend it enough.  So when the good folks over at NXEW posted that he released a double album of demos with Hand Drawn Dracula and a new video to boot — I admit I immediately started to sweat and stutter only a maximum of 4 words per sentence until I got home to download it.  To say I was excited is an understatement, but hey what is a music fiend supposed to do?

So I have been listening continuously since I downloaded it COMPLETELY FREE <— (Click here please).  The albums are both pre Coyotes but still in the solo singer songwriter vein which I have been known to focus on blindly.  While the tracks are essentially lo-fi demos – this is the style of Borcherdt’s newer solo stuff anyway, so the demo part shouldn’t dissuade you in any way.  By the cover art alone (see below), you can get an impression of each “album” with the Ward Colorado demos being a bit more intimate and Torches being a bit more electric and fuller sound (well kind of).  Take a listen to a few tracks from each album below.

Picture 1

“Guide Home”
“Steady Hands”
(I have had this track for a while somehow, but I feel like this is a song that could have been on the Coyotes album)

Picture 2

“Crime Scenes”
“Low Hills”

You can see the video on the sidebar as the new “featured video” on the blog and it is for While I Was Asleep from the Coyotes album (did I say you should buy this yet?).

Find yourself visiting Brian and purchasing Coyotes (you must, just saying):


p.s.  Please note the mp3s here are just to get you excited, please head over to the link above or Hand Drawn Dracula for the full 320 kbps version and full album art!




5 responses to “Brian Borcherdt releases double album and new video. Slowcoustic raises hands to heavens, pauses to reflect…”

  1. RavingLunatic Avatar

    Great news here! Thanks for the news and the tracks, Smans. I enjoyed “Coyotes” and never would’ve discovered it if not for your “Best Albums of 2008” post that I just checked out a couple weeks ago.

  2. RavingLunatic Avatar

    Oh, and just to let you know, that Mediafire link doesn’t allow you to download anything. It says the link is “set to private” or something.

  3. slowcoustic Avatar

    Hey RL! Yeah, big fan of BB over here. I updated the link – looks like HDD first had a mediafire link but now has an official link. Should work now!

  4. slowcoustic Avatar

    @FOCKS – thanks, we can always use more Borcherdt links! Really liking these albums, so glad he released them.