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Calgary Concert Alert: Twilight Hotel, Feb. 13, 2011

Twilight Hotel are bringing their new album and tour through Calgary this coming weekend at the Kerf Music Showcast at the Ironwood.  If you are interested in a slighly 60’s influenced indie pop this will be the place for you.  I find the music of Twilight Hotel hard to describe, there are so many elements intertwined here, but it feels about what the photo above would make you think it sounds like.  That does make sense, right?

Regardless, the show is this Sunday and Calgary’s own SAVK is going to be performing as well, so it will be a great show.  Find a couple of tracks below from the new album “When The Wolves Go Blind” that was just released in January.

When the Wolves Go BlindTwilight Hotel
“Ham Radio Blues” (mp3)
“Golden Eagle” (mp3)
“When The Wolves Go Blind” (mp3)

from “When the Wolves Go Blind”
(Cavalier Recordings)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
More On This Album

Visit Twilight Hotel on their Website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter.


