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I Love You & Stuff Cover

I Love You & Stuff: A HI54LOFI Records Compilation

I Love You & Stuff Cover

HI54LOFI Records has a new compilation out to commemorate Valentines Day next week appropriately called ‘I Love You & Stuff” but wait, it’s soo much more.  This isn’t just 15 tracks to impress the one you love/like or even not remotely know, you also get the opportunity to actually send them a Valentine card with your “purchase”.  Come on, you know you want to spread the love and what better way than with music (…says the music blogger).

There are some really great tracks on this compilation and while it not being exclusively “Slowcoustic” or anything it has it’s fair share along with a full range of indie for the whole family.  I wanted to include a favourite from a Canadian artist I have been keeping my eye on, The Bravest Ghost.  Sean Craib-Petkau who is this said ghost recorded a song exclusively for the compilation and its another winner, so kudos to HI54LOFI for seeking him out!  Listen to ‘Long Shot’ below;

“Long Shot” – The Bravest Ghost
from ‘I Love You & Stuff’ Compilation

So that is my “pick” from the release, but there are more of note I wanted to make sure get a mention including the pixie lullaby from Shedding Feathers entitled ‘Starlet’.  Shedding Feathers is a project of Craven Canary and A Singer of Songs (who also have other contributions from their respective bands on the album).  Listen below;

And for my non-Slowcoustic recommendation, I have started a bit of a head bopping affair with Lint Vaccine’s ‘Those Freckles Compliment Each Other’.  It is a bit lo-fi but fun and includes a cow bell – why can’t this be your bleary eyed crush this year?  I think it can, just take it for a test spin here;

Find out more on this compilation and how you can order it and send cards to some folks HERE.  Visit the Bandcamp page for it HERE.  Visit HI54LOFI HERE.

