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Pickering Pick releases his ‘Prayer Flag’

Brand new album from Pickering Pick has been released on his Bandcamp today!  The 11 track album is called ‘Prayer Flag’ and it once again show’s Pickering Pick’s prowess in the acoustic finger-picking folk crowd.

This album was recorded late last year in his home recording studio while he was literally just ‘getting used to’ his new gear.  As Sam indicated to me, when he gets to playing, often the flow of the music keeps coming and while not meant to be an official recording session for an album…it simply ended up being one.  While almost not moving ahead with the album, ultimately the songs continued to speak to him and hence, here we are.  If you are familiar with Sam Pickering Pick’s work (or if you are not) he creates a sound specific to him – I want to say it sounds of his homeland across the pond because I have nothing else to accurately describe it.  It sounds authentically and traditionally English despite Sam making his home in sunny California now.  That vibe is not overbearing but it floats around his music and is a welcome friend in my opinion.  His ease at creating this music is also astounding – despite not fully knowing his creative process – Pickering Pick can create stillness and beauty on almost anything he creates.  Prayer Flag is no exception.

Although having no official connection to this release, we did put out last year’s “Tiger Balm” from him on our Yer Bird Records label and I dare say this might come across as it’s companion piece.  You also might find a similarity in the artwork from Meghan Spurlock (visit) but I feel they might be joined by more than visuals.  Find a couple tracks to stream below and swing by his Bandcamp page to pick up a copy of the album digitally or one of the very limited CDs.

Enjoy and visit Pickering Pick: Facebook | Twitter | Bandcamp | Yer Bird Records


p.s.  Anybody in the Sacramento, CA area can find Pickering Pick tonight at The Naked Lounge (H Street venue) around 8:30pm!



One response to “Pickering Pick releases his ‘Prayer Flag’”

  1. BroBro Avatar

    Very satisfying!