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Kalispell - Westbound Cover

You Should Know: Kalispell

I am actually fairly new to Kalispell as well, but maybe this post is mostly for me anyway.  Kalispell, you should know him…

Kalispell is Shane Leonard of Eau Claire, Wisconsin and he makes music.  He makes music that is kinda country, kinda folk and a whole lot of good.  The album slips on like a familiar piece of clothing.  I almost felt like I had even heard it before but couldn’t place it.  I waited until this morning to actually purchase it…just in case I already had it.  It fits well into my wheelhouse so I thought I had searched this young talent out already, but alas I had not.  Pity.

The new album Westbound, is worn leather that just lasts forever.  Leonard’s music for us ‘Slowcoustic’ types is pretty spot on, familiar but still always fresh.  It sounds corny to say the sound is “timeless” but it kinda is.  Nothing to flashy (and that isn’t a bad thing) to distract you from enjoying some of the strongest country tinged folk out there.  Listen to the title track and you get a bit of finger picking balladeer, listen to the opening track “Fly Over” and enjoy something a bit more country (with the good ol harmonica as well) and then settle into my favourites like “Methodist Lift” and the molasses slow “Sepia Ghost”.  This 9-track album is worth your time and you should get to know it.




Find more from Kalispell: Facebook | Website
Purchase Kalispell: Bandcamp


p.s.  You can read a bit more about Kalispell on the Bro. Stephen guest post we had up as well (I knew I “knew” of them…) – Bro. Stephen Guest Post.



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