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Carl Hauck - Going

Song of the Day: Going by Carl Hauck

Carl Hauck - Going

Carl Hauck has just released the new track Going that he recorded for the short film The Old Man and The Lion.  The song is ‘that song’ that you hear in a movie that conveys emotion and the scale of situation where you need more than what is happening on the screen.  This is not saying that the music is more important than the moving pictures/dialoge but the right soundtrack to the right movie can make all the difference – and it is a skill unto itself.  Hauck sounds fragile, pensive and accepting – not really hurt, but mending from some type of emptyness.  To me, this is exactly what you must be feeling at that moment in the film and personally, music can bring a intense emotion like almost nothing else.

As I have said prior about some of Hauck’s work, it is a sombre beauty you shouldn’t miss.  Listen below.

The song is a free download and you can hear it in the trailer for the short film by Jason Leyba that will be released by ImagineNow Entertainment.

Find out more on the short film on the ImagineNow Entertainment Facebook page.
Find our more on Carl Hauck: Facebook | Bandcamp | Website




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