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Weary Engine Blues

What I’m Listening To Right Now: A Playlist

Vinyl album banner - image from http://www.vinyl4u.eu/vinyl-record-shops-and-vinyl-record-lovers/

I try not to do too many playlists as they end up being less focused on any one artist or song. While I may want to promote a specific artist more than a “mixtape” or playlist may express, I am by far a lazy man and so here we are.  I also am not a huge fan for having a lot of posts with 10+ songs as they are merely click-bait for music bloggers. But alas, things have been a tad quiet here so I kinda have to get you some tunes in bulk to make up for it. Also, if I were to be honest, I could use some mad hits.

The last bit has found me listening to the below folks and by all means, they deserve some spins around your place as well.


Weary Engine Blues

So first off I want to direct your to the Graveface Records Bandcamp page for a listen (& hopefully purchase) of the 2 CD Jason Molina tribute/fund raiser release, Weary Engine Blues.  100% of all funds go to the family of Jason Molina who has sadly passed only a couple of short weeks ago.  So visit http://graveface.bandcamp.com/ quick like! I will leave you with a couple of tracks to persuade ya.


Nathaniel Rateliff did an outstanding Fuel Friends Chapel Session a while back and it went live on the site a couple days ago. You can find the full post over at I Am Fuel, You Are Friends HERE.  Take a listen/watch of the track Closer – good stuff right?

Closer (Fuel Friends Session) – Nathaniel Rateliff
*grab the higher quality version at Fuel/Friends*


Frank Schweikhardt - Kitchen Table

Frank Schweikhardt has a new album coming out over on XRA Records next month (info) and I have been listening to it for all week and it is intoxicating! It has a mellow hazy spring vibe. I thought I felt like there was an American Analog Set vibe to it and that is a good thing.  Take a listen to the lead off track Motel in video and streaming formats.


Dolorean Digital Archive Banner

Dolorean has now digitized their entire catalog and put it up at Bandcamp for streaming and some purchasing.  Great stuff here like the classic albums You Can’t Win and The Unfazed plus bonus covers and hard to find stuff!  Listen to three favourites that are now free downloads via Bandcamp!


The Field Report boys are doing sessions all over the place lately! How about you check out a KDHX  in studio performance of Evergreen followed by a Savannah Stopover stream of a new song, 40/40!


There you have a Friday Slowcoustic Playlist! I hope you like it as much as I have been this week.




