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New Album Giveaway – Kill County: “Dust In Wire”

Kill County - Dust In Wire

As promised late last week, we have a couple copies of this delicious white vinyl LP of Kill County’s Dust In Wire to pass on to you, my dear readers. The album is fantastic and was the first album entered into my ‘Best of 2013’ category here on the blog. If you like authentic country folk (what I am officially classifying it as), then these current and former Nebraskans are the crew for you.

The album is 10 songs and not one is a back burner. These all stand up to solid listening. The back and forth vocals of Ringo and Josh add layers to the late night hazy ballads to the more upbeat heartland country. The sound is then fleshed out by Jon, Bryan, Brad, Joe and Terry for the album – an album that can’t come any more recommended.  The band now reside in various locations in the US (and abroad) and while Josh and Ringo write songs many miles apart the final product is cohesive and comes from a true band of today. We don’t know when the next Kill County album will appear, so take this opportunity to get on board with them now.


Kill County Dust In Wire Vinyl Contest

So, hopefully you didn’t just scan down to the “giveaway” part, but then again I would be pumped to get my hands on this vinyl as well so I can’t blame any of you good folks. We have two copies of the LP that I will draw at random for to those that email me at admin[at]slowcoustic.com. Simply tell me the name of the previous full length album from 2010.  You can send along your physical mailing address or you can wait to hear back on if you win first – your privacy is first concern here at Slowcoustic….

So, you got it? Email me the name of the previous full length Kill County album to admin[at]slowcoustic.com and you are entered! I wish you all luck on winning this must have vinyl – I will be quick about it and draw winners by Wednesday, April 24th and mail the albums no later than Friday.

[info]The contest is closed and the winners (Eric and Graham) have been mailed their LPs!![/info]

You can stream the entire Dust In Wire album via Bandcamp and you can like these good ol’ boys and keep tabs via the Facebooks.




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