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Song of the Day: ‘Beginners’ from Matthew Fowler

Matthew Fowler - Beginnings

Thanks to my twitter friend Terry, I have a recommendation of Orlando folkie Matthew Fowler.  Fans of Damien Rice rejoice, for I have found you somebody to watch and listen to. Despite only indicating this as a ‘song’ of the day – spend time with the entire album because I feel like I could have picked almost any one of these songs to feature!

The whole 9 track album is a ‘pay what you want’ via Bandcamp so swing on by and grab it and give it a spin for the weekend.

Find more on Matthew Fowler: Facebook, Twitter, Bandcamp




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One response to “Song of the Day: ‘Beginners’ from Matthew Fowler”

  1. JJ Avatar

    This is a great album… seems like a great guy to top it off.