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Fire Mountain starts Pledge Music Campaign for new album, “All Dies Down”

Fire Mountain

Alabama boys Fire Mountain are currently finalizing and mixing and mastering and doing album stuff, and now they are getting their ducks in a row for the release of the upcoming album “All Dies Down”.  They have taken to the streets of crowd-funding to assist in making the album a reality and in the quality it deserves to be heard and released in.  I have been a fan of FM for a while and nobody deserves a helping hand like Perry and the crew.

If you are unfamiliar with Fire Mountain, they definitely have a Southern texture to what could be a mixture of alt-country and folk-rock.  As I can comfortably say I covered multiple genres in the previous sentence to ensure to intrigue as many of you as possible, maybe some actual examples will loosen the purse strings here…

How about a video of the recording of their song Doing Fine which will be on the upcoming album?  Okay then.

You might also remember Fire Mountain from their inclusion in BOTH our Slowcoustic Cover Projects for J. Tillman and Damien Jurado!  I enjoy me some Fire Mountain and so should you.  You should help everyone else in enjoying them as well by visiting them and even possibly donating to their Pledge Music project.  Links below my friends.

Visit Fire Mountain: PLEDGE MUSIC | Website | Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter




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One response to “Fire Mountain starts Pledge Music Campaign for new album, “All Dies Down””

  1. Sarah Vos Avatar

    Just found your blog and I love it. The music is great! Can’t wait to hear/see more.