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Firekites – The Bowery (2008)

Firekites, you say.   Hmmm…had to add a ” Indie-Pop?? category” in order to post on this Australian quartet (well basically a quartet for the most part) and me thinks that I am branching out a bit for Slowcoustic.  This definitely has a mellow or down-tempo atmosphere, but is not your standard singer-songwriter stuff.  So how did we get to this point here on Slowcoustic…

Well, we got here as Firekites have the “Slow” part, and there is definitely aspects of “coustic” creeping in and simply put, I like it.  I am by no means up to date on what many are calling indie-pop or what have you, but I did have a phase where I was really into (and still like) the band American Analogue Set in which I compare Firekites to (and I have now found out they are actually label mates – surprise!!).  There is one main difference to what I normally listen to that is missing here, the sense of dark/lonesome/gritty heartache.  While I am sure these themes are incorporated into their songs, you don’t get the impression of Winter, but of a Fall season – dig me?  There are a few instrumental tracks on the album alongside the roster of slightly fuzzed out jazzy electro-acoustic songs, of which these are the meat of this album.

While I don’t see myself jamming to Firekites this January with the blowing wind and snow, as they definitely have a mellow indie-pop (there is that word again!) feel that I am trying to hold onto as summer is slipping away here in Canada…

Hang onto a bit of the Firekites with me below and pick up an album from their Aussie label here:




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One response to “Firekites – The Bowery (2008)”

  1. […] Artist: Firekites // Album: The Bowery // Standout Track: Autumn Story (here) […]