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hitide.lotide – The Forest

I have a treat for you all today, in the project of Nate Gruber and his cast of friends that make up this Wisconsin forest that is Hitide.Lotide.

Gruber is a multi-instrumentalist and you can tell this fact from the music he creates.  It is however difficult to create such sounds outside a studio if you are a single, albeit very talented, individual.  No matter how hard one can try, it would be a challenge to perform and convey the sound of Hitide.Lotide’s “The Forest” without a little help from your friends.  Gruber is very willing to let you know that he has had help in bringing his opus to life…an impressive 16 track opus that has been at least 2 and a half years in the making.  I think their album description says it all;

“Musically The Forest is reminiscent of groups within the neo-folk movement; though, like every good artist, it is at times difficult to pin them into specific genres. Saxophones, flutes, toy pianos, organs, tambourines, mandolins, guitars, shakers, and drum kits, among other instruments are tastefully performed to breed a diversity uncommon in today’s monotonous musical world.”

Gruber and his cast of musicians, artists, costume makers and even web designers came together to create and then perform, this past August 23rd for the unveiling of “The Forest”.  I am sure many enjoyed getting lost in the thick lush and soothing sounds.  In listening to the album you have the full highs and lows, and you know the live show would have been spectacular – check it parts of it below.

The album includes a folk orchestra feel, and I can’t help but think of my hometown favourites Woodpigeon mixed with Sufjan Stevens.  Check out a few tracks from the album below – the title track for “The Forest”  as well as stand outs “The Hare” (you will find yourself chanting “you are loved” all day after listening) and “The Owl”.   Consider yourself listening to a folk tinged high school marching band – with ukulele accents thrown in for good measure.

Pick up a copy of “The Forest” at CD Baby or Amazon and even iTunes.
Visit them over on MySpace and Pure Volume




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One response to “hitide.lotide – The Forest”

  1. tyler troy Avatar
    tyler troy

    the perfect mix between Wolftron is in a nebula and..lonely dear.awesome.