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Deer Tick – War Elephant (re-issue)

So just a quick one today as I am just on the go (or something along those lines) and I apologize for not giving this release the full attention and praise it should get.  The Album is “War Elephant” from Deer Tick, a great release from last year that was just re-released 2 days ago on Partisan Records!  Now that it has been just over a year since the original release and Deer Tick has grown to a full band of 4 members, I guess it is time to be properly introduced to the “new” Deer Tick…

Deer Tick is the kind of folk band that grows on you, whether you didn’t originally jump on board due to missing it or possibly dismissing due to the almost forced gruffness in the voice and delivery of John McCauley (who apparently wrote, recorded and played 100% of the original 14 track release) now is your chance!  The opportunity to have album served up again to our willing ears is more than welcome.   If for nothing else, but just for the fact that this current “folk explosion” is not going away, so grab hold of some of the good stuff while you can.  This album was a favourite from last year with great classic folk tracks like “Diamond Ring 2007” and the rock tinged “Not So Dense” and even the country styled ballad that is “Nevada”.  Although none of these are included below, it should give you the idea that there will be more waiting on the full album than the below additional examples of this album’s quality.

Go on and pick up the re-issue if you got a chance, you won’t be disappointed.  Enjoy a couple of the examples of what Deer Tick has to offer via label approved goodies!!

War ElephantDeer Tick
“Art Isn’t Real (City of Sin)” (mp3)
from “War Elephant”
(Partisan Records)

War ElephantDeer Tick
“Standing at the Threshold” (mp3)
from “War Elephant”
(Partisan Records)

More On This Album



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3 responses to “Deer Tick – War Elephant (re-issue)”

  1. hnomad Avatar

    so, so good. i’m glad they re-released this. it’s one of my favorite albums of 07 and absolutely deserves wider acclaim. also, try to catch them live.. they’ve been touring with the felice brothers and it’s a fantastic show.

  2. e. Avatar

    oh, feow records has closed. i love “war elephant” too, really one of the best albums in 2007. i wrote something about it here: http://dasklienicum.blogspot.com/2007/10/neue-tne-172-deer-tick.html

  3. e. Avatar

    i saw feow records has closed…
    and the new cover is…, holy shit!
    but “war elephant” is really a great album!