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Videos! Metric and Angus & Julia Stone

Some promo video love from the inbox.  I am sure that they are making the rounds, but what the hey, new Metric and new Angus & Julia Stone!

Take an exclusive download from the band (non album version) for the track by visiting below (you will have to enter an email address…but hey, why not?).  New album “Fantasies” is out in April, so check out here for more info and sampling.


So Angus & Julia Stone have a new album out as of this week (this band is old news to all you folks down under but fairly new to us folks over in North America!), but enjoy the great new video “Mango Tree” from the new album “A Book Like This”.  Visit A&JS on their Website and MySpace.

Enjoy a couple of tracks below, the Metric is from their 2001 album that was shelved for a while, but finally released a couple of years back.  The Angus & Julia Stone tracks are from a podcast that I wish I remembered actually – don’t recall where I found it, still good stuff.




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2 responses to “Videos! Metric and Angus & Julia Stone”

  1. Agnes Avatar

    Love A & J! ‘Wasted’ is my fave, but ‘Mango Tree’ is also lovely.

  2. Smansmith Avatar

    I agree, A&JS are great, I don’t know why I have missed them for this long!!