There is something about a bit of grit from a whiskey burnt throat accompanied by a slide guitar. Yeah, it’s called country music, well…sort of. I do find myself often attending the “my dog is dead, my wife left me” school of music enjoyment and I have the following homework for you. Listen to Ronnie Fauss’ “The Saddest Love That’s Ever Been” and sit back and consider yourself lucky enough to be listening. While the context of the song isn’t the classic version, it is a more modern tale of heartfelt loss and the way relationships lose course and hold on too long.
The song is definitely down-trodden, but you have the feeling that it could go further but knows it needs to hold back – the slide guitar says it all (as it often does). If you slowed it down to 3/4 speed, you probably would be curled up on the floor by the end of the 4 minute track – just the way I like it. The song is from Fauss’ album “New Songs for the Old Frontier” and includes many similar styled songs, but if only a bit more upbeat – definitely leaning to the country side of Alt-Country-Folk. Overall a pretty good listen, but for now enjoy my track of the day.
“The Saddest Love That’s Ever Been” – Ronnie Fauss
Visit Ronnie Fauss on MySpace, his Website (where you can stream the entire EP of 6 tracks).
Pick up a copy of the CD on his site HERE or visit iTunes for a digital copy.