So sometimes a band/artist comes along and you think to yourself, why don’t you already know of them. This happens to me often, mostly as there is soo much good music out there (despite the endless amounts of it lately), and it always keeps me going when I find someone that simply provides some good music. It sounds simple, but honestly that is it, good music deserves to be heard. I hope you listen to Withered Hand from Edinburgh, UK.
Again, I don’t know much, but this is some great folk-pop of the sad bastard variety. I feel like he has the ability to play the indie popster, but doesn’t want to, it is always stuffed down underneath the surface. You many also think of the slightly diffused, unfinished, and honest version of a popster – a guy who has the talent to woo the masses, but knows it just might not be his path – he takes the path of lo-fi singer songwriter. He slips into this skin very well, it suits his songwriting and you don’t know any better. It is almost sing along worthy, it may not always be the sunniest of subjects, but you want to sing along – if not only to get the many wry lyrics delivered dead pan perfect.
Enjoy the title track from last years EP “Religious Song” and the lead off track “No Cigarettes” from the recently released EP “You’re Not Alone”. Look for an upcoming full length album this September as well.
Withered Hand
“No Cigarettes” (mp3)
from “You’re Not Alone”
(SL Records)
More On This Album
Withered Hand
“Religious Song” (mp3)
from “Religious Song”
(SL Records)
Visit Withered Hand on MySpace or look for him playing some shows in Glasgow (July 18th) and Edinburgh (Aug. 29th & 31st)!
One response to “Thursday Discovery – Withered Hand”
Just woken up to this guy and I’m nothing short of obsessed. Amazing lyrics, gorgeous vulnerable vocals… right up my alley.
LOVE Religious Songs!