I end up being in a bit of a bubble at times. I know what you are thinking: “Hey Sandy, you are totally on the bleeding edge of music, how can I know as much as you??”. I hate to burst this proverbial bubble (maybe just the one in my head), but I tend to miss a lot of shite or I am listening to soo much stuff that albums I should be listening to get overlooked at first. I have both scenarios below.
Firstly Glass Ghost is a band I don’t know too much about, but they are on Western Vinyl (good start) and have shown up on some good blogs (great start) – so why did I just listen for the first time yesterday? Maybe because they are not traditionally a “me” band – but I like this song. The press on the album indicates “…something completely refreshing, and fittingly, a little scary” so y’all are going to listen to it below and look into them, right? Album should be out mid October.
Glass Ghost
“Like A Diamond” (mp3)
from “Idol Omen”
p.s. There is even an appearance of Luke Temple on it (from his own and more recently Here We Go Magic fame)
The other was Vic Chesnutt – obviously a shoe in for this blog. I have had the album for about a month already and keep starting to listen and then something comes up. No excuse, I know. So as I currently get into this album of late night pensive folk rock – you can sing along to the first track released for the recently released “At The Cut’ album.
Vic Chesnutt
“Chain” (mp3)
from “At the Cut”
p.s. Listen to “We Hovered With Short Wings” and tell me Chesnutt doesn’t have range…