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Second track from Molina & Johnson released: “Almost Let You In”


The fantastic Molina & Johnson project from Secretly Canadian has this not so secret Canadian thinking he found his next vinyl purchase.  Yes, I think so – but wait!  It is out of print!  This is a shout out to all you readers to find me a copy to purchase, so either put a comment in or send me an email!!

But I digress…the second track made available is “Almost Let Me In” and is a free download over on the SC site.  So go visit and grab a copy of this album that is climbing up my best of 2009 list every time I listen to it.  Being a huge fan of this style of singer songwriter performance – and especially Will Johnson and Jason Molina..frick, match made in indie heaven.  Highly Recommended.

“Almost Let You In”

You can also visit the Netherlands radio website Dwars/Radio6 (I think that is what it is called – oh, Google translate, how you mock me) for a live performance from Will Johnson that is absolutely stunning.  He performs this new “Almost Let You In’ and “Lenore’s Lullaby” and it is something you need to hear.  Click here to visit and listen!

Visit Secretly Canadian to purchase or visit the project website itself.




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8 responses to “Second track from Molina & Johnson released: “Almost Let You In””

  1. orange Avatar

    hi there!
    you can order your copy via flight13.de – but the mailorder is located in Germany…http://bit.ly/68ETQA

  2. orange Avatar

    hmmm…amazon.ca has 3 copies left in stock… http://bit.ly/5tpEiM

  3. slowcoustic Avatar

    Awesome, I will head over!! I always try to purchase from the label first, but I will hopefully be able to get a copy.

    Always a great connection orange, thanks!


  4. @TimKro Avatar

    Yes, Google translated it good. Radio 6 is our Jazz & Beyond (which means everything that’s not mainstream) station in The Netherlands. I’m glad you like it!

  5. RavingLunatic Avatar

    I’m a huge fan of the Will Johnson tracks on this release, but the Molina songs sound pretty poor to me.

  6. slowcoustic Avatar

    @RL, I think you may be correct for this album. Molina is still good, but Johnson is really good.

  7. ack Avatar

    You know.. I really wanted to love this record and assumed I would… I just didn’t.

  8. slowcoustic Avatar

    @ack, that is too bad, I definitely think it a great listen. If anything, I think there would have been no way for this collaboration to live up to what we all might have thought in our heads (& hearts for that matter!).

    I told the wifey to pick me up a copy so I could be “surprised” on Xmas morning… ;-)