Just a smattering of tracks with no real connection either than the fact that I recently started listening to them due to a recommendation or mention from some good folks.
The first was from my long lost brother Adrian who you may know from the I Pick My Nose Blog. Don’t worry if there are no recent updates over there, he is simply out of the country at the moment, lets hope for a visit soon though! But back to the song, out of nowhere he recommends TW Walsh and his fantastic cover of Chelsea Hotel #2. Yes, it has been done before and will be done many more times, but this one is definitely worth a listen (or three). The Leonard Cohen cover is a classic and TW does a great job in not taking it too much off the rails and simply makes his version a tribute to the man and the song. Listen below.
You might also might want to check out the additional free download of TW Walsh’s 2005 track “Badge” that he preformed with David Bazan and Ken Maiuri.
The next track was tweeted from one of my fellow bloggers, Trini over at You Crazy Dreamers when she mentioned she was looking forward to the upcoming Fraser Anderson album (July 2010 release). The track is a sparse and immense & fragile gem of a song. It actually starts out soo quiet, you think he might be actually standing right behind you whispering the lyrics. The song is called “Run These Lines” and Anderson breathlessly sings of the things in love that keep us all moving, together and this song can practically tear out your heart and soul with every pick of the mandolin during that last minute. Recommended.
The last but not least track is from a guy by the name of Thijs Kuijken who performs as “I Am Oak“. He has one of his songs from his “On Claws” album included on the In A Cabin With “Recommendations” download. This track entitled “On Trees and Birds and Fire” is one of my favourites on the 11 track sampler from the fine folks at IACW – find it on their website (its on the left hand side). Other than this free download, you can also sign up for a member ship with IACW, get lots of great music from one of the real interesting music projects around – look into it!
“On Trees and Birds and Fire” – I Am Oak
One response to “Collection of Recommended Tracks: TW Walsh, Fraser Anderson and I Am Oak”
Both of these are lovely!