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New Album release: Ghosts I’ve Met’s “Payphone Patience”

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Okay one of the reasons I have been a tad scarce on posting lately – if you haven’t noticed, please ignore, is I have been getting more and more involved with our label stuff over at Yer Bird.  Speaking of……(wow, what a lame segue…)

We have a new digital EP released today from Ghosts I’ve Met and if you are a fan of Slowcoustic, you will love it!  I have posted a couple of times on Sam Watts and his musical moniker “Ghosts I’ve Met” and we have finally got a hold of this talent and convinced him to release his fantastic EP with Yer Bird Records.  I am not going to go all overboard on it as you know how I feel about this EP.  How about listening to the title track?  Listen below and then get your $5 and head over to the label to get the whole thing – click HERE!

“Payphone Patience” – Ghosts I’ve Met – courtesy of Yer Bird Records




One response to “New Album release: Ghosts I’ve Met’s “Payphone Patience””

  1. Jon Martin Avatar

    I’ve been listening to the EP all day, and I absolutely love it! What a great catch for Yer Bird, and a good day for the rest of us! :)