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Recommendation of the day: Listen & Buy Sam Quinn’s “The Fake That Sunk a Thousand Ships”

The Fake cover

Sam Quinn’s new album is pretty darn special.  After only a couple of listens, his laid back country fused sound just grabs me.  The new album basically just came out on Ramseur Records and is one of the new albums that has really stuck out for me – I mean a lot of people really liked “The Everybodyfields” (his former band) but I really like where this new stuff recorded with Japan 10 is going.  It is not meant to replace everybodyfields, so get that out of your head, this is new (yet feels like it has been around for years) and it really works.

Sam’s unique voice is primed for a bit of twang from a pedal steel, blends naturally with acoustics and if you can visually focus outside of his immense facial hair you will hear it all too.  Highly recommended.  Check a video of a demo from one of the new tracks below:

Sam Quinn + Japan Ten: “Hello” @ Ramseur Records HQ from Ramseur Records on Vimeo.


You can find a absolutely fantastic deal on his site…get this:  CD AND loseless digital download for $9.99!  You cannot beat that.  Visit the SAM QUINN STORE for that deal.  Also for those who can’t handle  artist stores and need the warm comforting embrace of a full blown digital retailer, get your iTunes love on.  If you need a bit of a sampler to take with you, visit the good folks at HearYa who have some more video and the track “Suite Motown” from the new album for download.

I don’t officially have any downloads for ya folks, I know, I know – but stream a couple why don’t ya?  Also, not featured below – make sure you buy it as you can’t miss out on “Gun”, “Help Me” & “River” as well…sooo good.

Still a holiday here in Canada, so I am now heading back to doing nothing and drowning in the audio pool of Sam Quinn’s blood, sweat and tears of this fantastic album.


p.s.  He’s touring to, if you wanted to see it all live (you do) – Tour dates.
