photo above from
So while putting together a few recent posts and looking into some of the artists, I found, re-found and was advised of videos from 3 of the artists that I am now passing to you.
The Sumner Brothers from Vancouver had their Green Couch Session revealed (think Black Cab, but a Green Couch…get it?). Also below is the new video and sneek peak on the upcoming Greater Pacific EP from Yer Bird Records with what will be the lead off track, “Distance”. Rounding out this trio is a video that is near and dear to my heart as I live in Calgary; Woodpigeon’s great video for “Our Love is as Tall as the Calgary Tower”.
Green Couch Session – THE SUMNER BROTHERS from Green Couch on Vimeo.
Greater Pacific, Distance (2011) from Henkydory on Vimeo.
“Our Love is as Tall as the Calgary Tower” Woodpigeon from Darren Pasemko on Vimeo.