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Small Sur preps new album “Tones”, starts Kickstarter and streams songs!

Small Sur has an album coming up called “Tones”!  Small Sur has a just launched Kickstarter campaign for said album!  Small Sur is streaming 2 songs from the upcoming album on their new Bandcamp page!  This, my friends, is a great Friday.

Small Sur (or Bob Keal front and centre, along with co-horts Andy Abelow & Austin Stahl) provide that music that is both majestic in it’s simply beauty and heartbreaking in its sound.  I have enjoyed the music of Small Sur for a few years and honestly everything they release is solid, the band doesn’t make below par tunes, plain and simple.  I did know the album was circling, but just recently official word has become to the forefront with the start of both a Kickstarter and the band’s Bandcamp page (with 2 new songs)!  First, let’s listen to a song to get you in the giving mood.

So that track is phenomenal and a favourite of all the individual songs I have heard this year so far (this is starting out to be a pretty good year, as an aside).  So the album looks to have a June 28th release date and a month long Kickstarter to assist in the release.  Bob discussed with me and mentions it on the album campaign that this isn’t fundraising, it is simply an option to help out the band release the album with your pre-order (and more if you should choose).  They are releasing it and simply are looking to ensure a successful launch, plain and simple.  So please consider a donation to the cause, as its a good one.

*Donate to the Small Sur Kickstarter*

Visit Small Sur on Facebook, Bandcamp (stream another song “Pretty Boy” as well) and their Website.



One response to “Small Sur preps new album “Tones”, starts Kickstarter and streams songs!”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    Hi,Someone said to me that Small Sur is coming to a town near, just before Easter next month. This song raised my interest in attending their gig.