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Song of the Day: “Noah’s Nameless Wife” from Bryan John Appleby

Bryan John Appleby - Fire on the Vine

Bryan John Appleby’s new album “Fire on the Vine” was released today via his Bandcamp page and I have just started listening and it is fantastic.  While I just heard this song performed live from over on the Sound on the Sound blog – the studio/album version of “Noah’s Nameless Wife” is just stunning.  It is your song of the day.


The song is a classic pining singer songwriter lament with acoustic guitar over waning strings and Appleby’s steadfast vocals.  This is some great Slowcoustic-ness here folks.  Take a listen and swing by his Bandcamp page HERE to pick up a copy of ‘Fire on the Vine’.

Those of you in or around the Seattle area can head out tomorrow for the album release show at Columbia City Theater – info: Facebook | Tickets




One response to “Song of the Day: “Noah’s Nameless Wife” from Bryan John Appleby”

  1. emarieg Avatar

    beautiful. New fan.