Courtesy of PropertyofZack (see their post here) we get the great news of the upcoming Andy Hull helmed Right Away, Great Captain! album. This is news that warms the cockles as almost anything RAGC! is right up my alley and with the first streaming sample of the track Blame – this is going to be right in my driveway. While the song has been circling with a demo style live recording for a while, this crisp and clean album cut really helps the song shine.
If you are familiar with Andy Hull (also of the band Manchester Orchestra) and his solo efforts, which tend to be more stripped down recordings as Right Away, Great Captain! you will not be disappointed. His delivery is always spot on and the timber of his slightly just a bit higher pitched than you thought it would be voice just works. It pierces right through me. When Hull is “on”, the songs he sings just carry such an incredible weight and hit with a hammer. This is great stuff.
The album, The Church of the Good Thief, will be out in in just over a month (June 12th) via Favorite Gentlemen Recordings and there should be a pre-order next week with a bunch of extras. Oh, did I mention there will be a 4 x 4LP edition that includes the two previous albums? I believe a ‘holy sheeeet’ is warranted, but that might just be me.
Find more on Right Away, Great Captain!: Facebook | Favorite Gentleman Recordings