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Fire Mountain

Band of the Week: Fire Mountain

Fire Mountain

I have been hearing one of my colleagues talk about Fire Mountain for a while and I am finally getting around to acknowledging that fact and posting about this new-to-me musical find.  April over at Common Folk Music has been heaping praise upon these boys from Alabama for a while already and I am just catching up now.  So then, I thought I would have a “song of the day” post for the band and started listening to their Soundcloud and Bandcamp pages and decided it had to be a ‘Band of the Week’ as I needed to post more than one or two songs and more folks need to be listening to them right now.  So then…here we are.

Fire Mountain is the project started by Perry Brown that has been completed with the addition of Adam Vinson on percussion, Walter Black on bass guitar, and Bryan Segraves on keyboards – I may be missing somebody, so I apologize now…  Brown is definitely front and center on this quartet of Southern Folk Rock…although I tend to be more partial to the folk part…and he is a real draw.  Maybe it is the Southern timbre in his vocals, but the guy has a perfect voice for his music if I had to say.

Brown and the crew make same great balladeer type tracks that I will feature below…like the track Drag Along and the live track Pale (but it is so crisp and clear it must be ‘live’ in the studio).  There are many more on their Soundcloud page and take this only as a taster of what Fire Mountain are currently serving up.  Listen below.

I like in Drag Along at about the 3:20 mark you think it is ending and then Brown eases back into the late night heartbreak like it is his bread and butter.  The track Pale might even be my favourite currently and at over seven minutes it is an opus of a lament.  Admittedly both these tracks look to feature Brown front and centre and it makes for spectacular singer songwriter fare.  I also don’t want you to think these guys are all sad sacks that might have you crying into your drink into the wee hours (but what is wrong with that?) so you can pick up the heels a bit on the rest of the catalog.  You might enjoy a bit more energy and band in the lead off track to their most recent EP Of the Dust and the track Black Heart – listen to where the Folk meets the Rock below.

I hear there are rumblings of a new album being started come the end of the year – so we can hope to hear some more of this band-to-know in 2013.  For good measure, I will leave you with a great acoustic cover of The Black Keys’ track Everlasting Light – how good is that?

Find more on Fire Mountain: Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter | Website




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