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Slowcoustic weekly round up – Early January Edition!


Because I have not made many posts recently, I thought I need to put a bunch of stuff in one post.  Consider this the Costco of folkie music blogging.

~ I have been super stuck on the Eef Barzelay (of Clem Snide) cover of Neutral Milk Hotel’s In The Aeroplane Over The Sea that I posted over on SlowAcoustic.  It was a fan/donation prize for a Kickstarter from a couple years ago.  Just digging it.  A lot.

~ Also really lost my shit for a couple of days on the Field Report Chapel Session over at I Am Fuel, You Are Friends blog.  I loved the album and it was a top 10 for the year right here on Slowcoustic, so why wouldn’t I love it?  Oh, it has a Neil Young cover as well.  Of course it does.

~ Canadian anti-hero (or just plain hero) Hayden has a new album coming out the beginning of February called Us Alone.  Arts & Crafts are streaming another track from it and I can prove it by inserting it in this very blog post.

~ Brett Detar also has a new album coming out and he is giving away the first single via his website.  Find it below in embeddable widget form.

~ We are releasing the latest Pickering Pick album over on Yer Bird Records next week so I thought I would embed the album out-take track for your ears.  Pre-order/Order the album (Tropic) here.

~ Did you know that people like us?  Well we have proof of that and are very humbled by the good crew over at We Listen For You broadcasting to the world that we are in their top 10 of blogs/writers of 2012 (more blog, less writer tho, if I was to be honest).  You can find the post and see where we place right here.  They actually had a full week of “best of 2012” for you to peruse, so you have your work cut out for you.

That is it for now.  Go forth and listen and all that.

~Sandy (Smansmith)

