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Shaker Steps and Slowcoustic present Pilots & Errors video sessions

July from Pilots & Errors

Shaker Steps is a new site that does take away type video sessions of music that I like.  Shaker Steps is run by a guy who I like that makes great music.  Slowcoustic was asked to premiere two new videos for Pilots & Errors and we said we were totally in…and now here we are!

One of the main goals of the Shaker Steps website is to promote their local Lexington Kentucky music scene and today we are helping feature the band Pilots & Errors.  Pilots & Errors is Travis Wilburn and he is making some great music in the vein of bands like Iron & Wine with a possible Southern vibe.  I was unfamiliar with P&E until Doc Feldman from Shaker Steps brought him to my attention with the Linens EP he now has on his Bandcamp page.  The songs from P&E echo hauntingly while warming the air around you at the same time.  The music is a one man affair and while often this means sparse and hollow sounding music, this is not the case with Wilburn’s efforts.  You are either singing along or listening contently with eyes closed.


The first video is Let Go Of Your Heart that was filmed at the West Sixth Brewing Company in Lexington and provides a little background on Wilburn’s songwriting before the song starts up.

Next we have Die For You that was recorded outside Wilburn’s house.

The 2nd video has a bit of a campy start before the song starts in and it belies the apparent shyness that the man who records as Pilots & Errors often feels.  If you didn’t know him you probably wouldn’t assume such a thing but then again these things often follow the “folk or acoustic” style artists.  You can read a bit more about Wilburn in a great interview that he did recently with WRVG Georgetown College Radio right here.

Pilots & Errors is currently finishing up his 3rd album (you can see his other albums on his Bandcamp page, which includes all free downloads), so I would recommend keeping an eye out while catching up on his back catalog!  Also, you can find a bit more info on his Facebook page and even go as far as liking him there.  Please be sure to swing by Shaker Steps website and Facebook pages for more sessions of the indie-folk-americana variety because if you are not, you are missing out.





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