Mr. Janssen has decided to lay out another opus styled EP on the heels of his full length Ancient Crime from last year. The new 6 track EP is called The Lonely Mountains and should see a release on February 28th.
Ancient Crime was a concept album based on an alternate world of Janssen’s early years of attending boarding school – full of ambitious soundscapes, choirs and larger than life songs mixed with up close and personal moments. With The Lonely Mountains he continues on this journey with rearranging works by Chopin and Britten, and adding new verses to poems by Robert Herrick and W.N. Hodgson. He also combined newer songs and reworked others – such as the video below for Drift which also appears on his previous album. The song was probably my favourite on the Ancient Crime release and this newer, even more delicate and gorgeous version is looking to take charge on the new EP as well. Highly recommended.
The EP is currently available for a pre-order from Snowstar Records HERE. For that alternate version of Drift, you can find it via Snowstar Record’s Bandcamp page for the Ancient Crime album HERE.
~Sandy (Smansmith)