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Saturday Listening Round Up: Jesse Marchant, Sharon Van Etten, Tiny Ruins and even Donovan Woods

Unknown LP

Things have been a bit sparse since the completion of that last cover project for Will Oldham (but how good was that??).  Laying a bit low lately but still spinning music as one does in their twilight years…okay, I’m not that old, but still.  I did get my turntable fixed last month and it is glorious so I have tended to listen and not blog.  I dare say the ‘new’ deck sounds better than it ever did…but let’s not get into the vinyl audio quality debate as it will get ugly.  It is the weekend afterall…

So, what is kinda new and getting some play around Slowcoustic HQ?  Let us take a look (& listen).


All Your Promise

The new album is coming from JBM…or should I say Jesse Marchant.  I wonder if he is changing to his proper name instead of initials…either way this guy is golden.  Check out his website and grab a free download of the above youtube stream for All Your Promise HERE.


Donovan Woods

Also the other day, my close friend Donovan Woods slides up to me and says “Hey Sman, how ’bout I drop some new music tonight?”.  I finally painfully decide to agree to him releasing some of the songs we have been sharing exclusively between ourselves over the past few years.  But I digress…  You can saddle up to some It Just Got Weird which features Woods with Robyn Dell’Unto and yes, of course, it is great.

Always feel free to support DW by visiting his Website and following the guy on the Twitters.


Are We There

Also our friend Sharon Van Etten has a new album upcoming over on JagJaguwar and she has another song streaming from it.  The song is Every Time The Sun Comes Up and while a bit more produced than some of her earlier stuff, is still dripping with her quietly powerful persona.  Remember when I had a singed copy of her first CD for a giveaway and nobody entered the contest and hence nobody won it?  Well, I guess you are all kicking yourself now.  Bastards.  Just kidding, I love you all.  No really.

You can find a pre-order via the Jags HERE.  Clearly you guys will pick up the bundle package for the new album, right?  Good.


Brightly Painted One

Lastly we have Ms. Tiny Ruins who just announced a stop here in my town of Calgary for this years Folk Fest.  I just might have to swing by and say hello (from a distance, from behind a tree just out of earshot as to not be seen/heard for fear of embarrassing myself).  Lovely new album called Brightly Painted One is currently in release starting yesterday through this coming week through various countries.

You can always visit her Website for more info (and a listen to Some Were Meant For Sea as well).


So there you have some suggestions for your Saturday.  Go forth and eat up your ear food.

