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Emily and the Woods

TV Song of the Day: Emily and the Woods’ Never Play

Emily and the Woods - EP

This is not a new song at all.  This is a song I found via the BBC TV show called “In The Flesh”.  The series follows a partially deceased sufferer (yeah, zombie is sooo 4 years ago people) and his journey back to the “living”.  Well, living a life he wants at least.  It is pretty darn good (two series so far) and originally had me listening to much more Keaton Henson.  You see Henson is essentially the soundtrack to the whole series with a song in every episode – so then you know that the show is worth a try, amiright?

For this post, I have decided to forgo the Keaton Henson (unfortunately as he is a very worth Slowcoustic style musician but we have had Keaton on this blog prior) and go with Emily and the Woods.  More of a traditional slowed down indie pop song or exactly the type of song that gets featured in TV shows these days.  It is damn catchy and I find myself listening to it quite a bit.  I know, I know, but I just can’t help it.  It is kind of a hard track to find online (not on the band’s Bandcamp, Soundcloud or Youtube, go figure) – so I have had to link to a stream from the Glastonbury Soundcloud account and a Bandcamp embed from the good chaps over at For Folk’s Sake.

Stream via GlastonburyOfficial HERE.

You can purchase the track via iTunes if you prefer as well.




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2 responses to “TV Song of the Day: Emily and the Woods’ Never Play”

  1. kristen Avatar

    struggling with ITF, not ready to give up yet, but the music IS good.

  2. slowcoustic Avatar

    Glad you like the music Kristen, the show (especially Series 1) is great – you have to go to at least episode 3, but it is better than most regardless! ;-)