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Balto - October's Road

Song of the Day: “Gravestones” from Balto


Today’s song of the day is from Balto and is from the UK version of the October’s Road album with the track ‘Gravestones‘.  Well, I am not sure it is actually part of the album proper but it is included as a demo/bonus track with their recent foray into releasing the album in the UK.

As Balto has shown with numerous examples from the October’s Road album, once again, we get great acoustics, melody and hooks that almost anyone could be proud of!   I recommend looking into song ‘The Railyard‘ via the Bandcamp link below as well (my favourite from the album).  ‘Gravestones‘ as a song is essentially Daniel Sheron playing all instruments and it was even produced by Hip Hatchet (yes, that Hip Hatchet) so you know it is going to be Slowcoustic goodness!

[soundcloud height=”80″ width=”450″]http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/28033531[/soundcloud]
Balto – “Gravestones (Demo)”

Find out more on Balto via the band Website, Bandcamp and Facebook!




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2 responses to “Song of the Day: “Gravestones” from Balto”

  1. katherine knecht Avatar
    katherine knecht

    Wow this is really fantastic thanks for sharing this! I would love to hear more about him; he sounds like he has a bright musical future ahead of him. I just bought his CD and will be sharing it with my friends.

  2. Tamara Wiley Avatar

    This dude is just so great!! A up & coming acoustic genius! Check his work out. Daniel Sheron. I know I’m going too!!!