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a Singer of Songs

–<Finally getting around to uploading the sister post of my You Crazy Dreamers write up of a Singer of Songs.  My apologies to Lieven and you readers, see below.  FYI – both posts include “Joy of a Solitary Man” and one track not included on the other blog’s post – this one being “Souvenirs”!>–

So another day of scouring the web for some good music and actually a day that I found something special.  Of all places, on MySpace (it isn’t all that bad after all, I guess…) I have found an artist that represents perfectly my preference of the hushed and unhurried sound.  Everyone, I give you “a Singer of Songs“.

More than being a basic description: “a Singer of Songs” is an alias sparse enough for it to be enough for him, fitting from the very first time you hear him.  By “him” I mean Lieven Scheerlinck, who by name alone seems to not be a native of his current residence in Spain (or maybe he is, I am just Canadian, what do I know?).   Regardless of where he may call home, his songs would never be far from where he may lay his head.  His songs are soft, beautiful, and at times heart wrenching.  Recorded in almost single takes each time, they are always kept fresh and in the moment of when they are written.   I feel that the songs that have been recorded are not “spur of the moment” but simply of the moment.  Take them as a slice in time where experiences and feelings make it to recordings almost immediately as time and hindsight can soften the sharpest edges (if you know where I am going with this).  Regardless of what Lieven may have gone through in order to have such songs of heartbreak and beauty, I thank him for sharing them.

While his solo recordings might seem “dark and lonesome”, you may also enjoy another facet of his work in the band “Birdcircus”, which retains some of the rawness of a Singer of Songs.  While the band could be considered folk/Americana and even indie (sorry for that label) and I feel that Lieven’s sound has become a part of Birdcircus, a part that I believe can be heard in the newer 2008 tracks from the band.  Let me know if you feel the same way, check them out via their MySpace pages – a Singer of Songs & Birdcircus.

With that, I will leave you with how Lieven described his music to me and how he relates to it — “…a piece of wood to hold on to when the waves get too rough…”

I hope these songs find a home with you.




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One response to “a Singer of Songs”

  1. […] a singer of songs provides me with a double dose of my song of the day and in turn I am passing it on to all of you.  Lieven Scheerlinck (the singer of these songs) is no stranger to Slowcoustic as he was one of the first artists I featured back in September of 2008 (you can see it with a couple of early tracks HERE). […]