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Would the real DCFC stand up?

Just a taster of the new husband&wife (via Vimeo performances) with two tracks from the upcoming album “Dark Dark Woods”.  Is it bad that I think they are the Death Cab for Cutie of 2009 (maybe with a touch less “indie pop”)? I have to say the new album sounds pretty good, a bit catchy, but in a good way.  I think as a complete album it is cohesive and is a great listen.  Ambient portions, angst moments, great melodies – I have to say I approve.  Listen/watch the videos, pick up the album once it is out in February.

husband&wife – Comp Jam from Crossroads Of America Records on Vimeo.

husband&wife – Haven’t Got A Friend from Crossroads Of America Records on Vimeo.

Disclaimer:  Don’t get me wrong, I still listen to DCFC but it is a bit more rare now (narrow stairs was okay, but I think I may have checked out already), but in 2003 Transatlanticism was pretty darn amazing (wasn’t it?).  Just something about the sound of h&w reminds me of Gibbard and Co., but is that a bad or good thing?  You decide.




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One response to “Would the real DCFC stand up?”

  1. […] have previously posted on husband&wife (yes, there is no space in the band name – it is like its one word) and […]