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Calling Every Concert Goer!! The Presidents Need You!

So have nothing to do this Saturday?  Live at least close to Eastern Seaboard of the United States?  Well I have an event for you!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a fan of Christian Kiefer and thanks to the internet, we ended up being friends.  Well we have never met, but our paths have crossed many times and I consider him a stand up guy, someone who I would support when needed.  This is that time, Christian Kiefer and friends are having a bit of a “Songs for Presidents” concert this Saturday in Washington D.C.  It has a seriously decent line up, so if you are anywhere near, consider it a must.

I have included a promo track from the project that is responsible for this concert – “Of Great and Mortal Men: 43 Songs for 43 U.S. Presidencies” which is a project from CHRISTIAN KIEFER / J. MATTHEW GERKEN / JEFFERSON PITCHER. The 3 disc set is available from Standard Recordings – pick up a copy here.  I am including a promo track which is from J. Matthew Gerken who alongside Ms. Marla Hansen bring their selected president – James Monroe.

Because I am simply a fan of Kiefer (seriously people, more people need to listen to CK), I have included a sample of a previous release from Kiefer and Pitcher in the incredible Sea Shanty of an album “To All Dead Sailors”  and the track “Carpenters and Sailors”.  If you love singer songwriter, acoustic stuff – this is it.  Just as a bonus, additional tracks include a solo John Peel Session from Christian Kiefer entitled “Black Falcon Night” and a great track “Afterglow” from his “Dogs & Donkeys” Album.  This stuff is gold people!

So that is my pitch, get out there, visit with your brethren in a great concert – GET YOUR TICKETS HERE.  Wish I could be there, so don’t disappoint and show up if you are able.








One response to “Calling Every Concert Goer!! The Presidents Need You!”

  1. Cherbonsy Avatar

    Great stuff, Sman! The project was just featured on National Public Radio in the US today: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=99315266
