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WARNING: On Vacation – “Song of Day Posts” on their way. J. Tillman’s “Earthly Bodies” to start!

Vacation Bitches!

So I am heading out with the Mrs. and heading to the sun and surf.  Leave it to a Canadian to leave during the very short period of summer we have and leave and go to somewhere hot.  So you only get about 3 months of warm/hot weather where I live – so let’s cut that short and head 4000 kms South shall we??

Oh well, longish/boorish story short, I am heading out and sporadic internet connection is expected (the lobby couch will see me quite a bit for the free Wi-Fi).  That being said, I will be planning on providing some song of the day posts over the next week: as I tend to do this regardless with my listening habits!  To start you off easy – I will have a Slowcoustic stable offered up today:  J. Tillman on tap folks!!!

So, “Song of the Day” today is from Mr. Josh Tillman and what could only be called the “lead off track” from his upcoming album “A Year In The Kingdom” (due September 2009).  The track in question is called “Earthly Bodies” and is a return to form (wait, has he left form…I think not!) and is again a return of the hushed singer songwriter that you have come to expect from this Seattle native.  The track starts out with just the strumming of guitar as Tillman eases in his familiar voice.  This is pretty much what to expect from him, but it is always more than you think.  What some shun as “simple” music is just far from that – it is something that has soo much layers when you really listen – the inflection in his voice, the few strikes of percussion and the accents of piano.  There is almost a gospel tinge during part of the chorus, magical.  Another stunning example that this man’s extraordinary delivery of sparse music is something that captivates me every time.  If one artist had to be considered my favourite or be responsible for what I consider responsible for the concept of “Slowcoustic”, it is Mr. J. Tillman.

“Earthly Bodies” – J. Tillman

Enjoy the track and wish me luck in the sun!




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3 responses to “WARNING: On Vacation – “Song of Day Posts” on their way. J. Tillman’s “Earthly Bodies” to start!”

  1. Lee Avatar

    have a wonderful trip!

  2. slowcoustic Avatar

    Thanks brother!! I think I might be the outcast blogger in the “luxury resort”…constantly looking for internet and listening to folk music!

  3. e. Avatar

    have fun!