Quick Post of the Night – Ronnie Fauss has a new EP

I Can't Make You Happy - Ronnie Fauss

Heard from Ronnie that he has released a new digital only 3 track EP just last week.  The title track included below is exactly what you would think of a song of the night around here, it’s slow, it’s acoustic and it’s a song that feels just a bit lonely.  The track sings of not being able to be the person for that special someone.  Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you want it, it just isn’t going to work in part to whatever flawed situation that one finds themself.   The song may be bleak, dark and even a bit tragic, it still makes me happy that it fell into my inbox.  Enjoy.

“I Can’t Make You Happy” – Ronnie Fauss

Visit Ronnie / Purchase The EP
