Tobacco Pat has a penchant for providing me with EPs of dark Americana tinged singer songwriter projects. The third and final installment of his “Apocalypse” series has just been self released and it falls into place quite nicely.
You might remember an earlier mention of this project here on the blog and once again this installment comes in the form of 5 tracks in “The Destroyer” package. This one feels like it brings it all down with more energy than the previous EPs, it is definitely a raw lo-fi journey!
Logan Farmer finds himself giving the title track a double dose with Part 1 & 2 as stand outs, with Part 1 being a lone guitar and voice singing into the night. Part 2 of the title track brings in the cavalry with galloping of guitar strokes – with no vocals it feels as if it is a triumph and ending of the series of EPs, playing to the end of it all…with purpose.
I find this final chapter is focused with a coiled energy, Farmer is less hushed and pushes forward and at times is almost howling into everything without losing control. “The Truth and The Stream” comes in waves and still manages to bring hushed moments before finishing the tale (all the while a second voice simply repeating the lyrics deep in the background). You really feel the angst in “The Vault” with Farmer truly pulling emotion I have rarely heard (his chant of “You’re just like them, just like them…” makes you feel as if you would see the spittle of betrayal flying from between his teeth!) – refreshing to this old folky!
The Destroyer Pt 1
The Truth And The Stream
Find the EP (along with the two previous releases) available for download from his MySpace page and his new Website which will be a host for demos and live recordings that I eagerly await.
One response to “Tobacco Pat returns to finalize his EP Trilogy – The Destroyer”
This is my favorite EP of his. he is so good!