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Huck Notari

Huck Notari launches Kickstarter for new album. Slowcoustic finally exhales.

Huck Notari & band
Huck Notari pictured center (photo stolen from Facebook…sorry Huck!)

Vesa over at One Chord To Another gave me the good news just yesterday that Portland folkie Huck Notari is gearing up for a new album!! I clearly immediately went and backed this worthy project and you should as well.

It has been a short minute since Huck had a new album out but what do they say? “Quality not quantity“? Yup, Huck provides true folk music with an almost country vibe and it is the stuff lovers of this genre we call folk do appreciate. I last wrote about Huck about 3 and a half years ago for his Very Long Dream album (see here) and if the new stuff is anywhere near that album then we are all in for another treat.

Take a listen to a couple of tracks from that album below.

You can visit the Kickstarter for his soon to be third album HERE or click on the below widget.

For more info on Huck Notari you can visit his Website or even his Reverbnation page (you can stream both previous albums there).

~Sandy (Smansmith)



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