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Find your place at Frank Schweikhardt's Kitchen Table

Find your place at Frank Schweikhardt’s Kitchen Table

Frank Schweikhardt - Kitchen Table

New album Alert: Frank Schweikhardt has just released his newest album ‘Kitchen Table’. While the album was expected and I am aware of FS due to his incredible previous album “Life But No More” I was more than pleasantly surprised to hear this new project. The album isn’t a departure from his previous sound yet it still sounds like a completely new beast…I can’t really convey my thoughts clearly (maybe it is a larger sound?) but hopefully you get a little bit of what I am saying. His sound is not folk and not indie-pop but yet kinda both…the un-named planet circling both entities I guess. It is overall a slower paced album and could even have a bit of shoegaze mixed in for good measure. It has such an incredibly comforting texture and feel that I fell into it immediately without the ever present pause that whispers to you “am I going to like this new album?”. I didn’t have a chance to even judge it, just instantly liked it.

I compared the album earlier on twitter to some of the [mellower moments] of the band American Analog Set and I still stand by that. The sound is larger than one individual can record/create but it still sounds personal/from a single creator – a review-esque paradox to say that I like it, go figure.  I have been listening to this album for a couple of months already and it still has sturdy legs and will be found in my best of 2013 list, I am sure of that.

Pick up a copy via the Crossroads of America Website or Bandcamp pages. Grab it on limited vinyl as well – can’t wait for mine to arrive!!




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One response to “Find your place at Frank Schweikhardt’s Kitchen Table”

  1. pj Avatar

    I definitely hear Mike Kinsella (Owen) in there. Great stuff.