Category: Unsigned
Friday Discoveries
So this post is going to be easy as it is full of artists that I am not very familiar with. I intend on listening to each one a bit more (of what they have to this point) as each one shows a lot of potential to become regulars on my personal playlists. Come to…
Dewer. More please.
Quick post today, sorry folks. So I know little about this Swede and have very little media from him. I am going to take this opportunity to send this over to you my readers…find more Dewer! Or if you know any info on him, post in the comments. I have been listening for a couple…
Side A, flip, repeat – the playlist
Hmmm…records…not recordings, but records. Thing of the past or recently making a comeback? One thing as the so called “mp3 generation” we lose the ability to have two sides to music (and actual hold in your hands media). Not necessarily that the music has a formal beginning and an ending as both sides simply may…
Side B, flip, repeat – the playlist
Oh, and the “B-side”. While mostly reserved for dance floor remixes and the song that almost didn’t make the album, the other side can often be just as good if not better than the A-side. What I am getting at is I am looking for a thin connection to a Friday Playlist and have a…
Bosco and the Lonely Drunks
So other than this self imposed mugshot photo of Marcus Jönsson (aka Bosco), I don’t know much about this Swede. I tried to contact him through through his MySpace page and got no response, and there is not much new material there outside of some upcoming live gigs, so here it is a post none…
Del Barber – “Where the City Ends”
Okay I am not going to lie to you here…I am partial to Del Barber. I have never met Del, or even spoken to him face to face, but alas I got this guys back. Why you ask? He is a good old ‘pegger! For those of you who are unaware of the term “pegger”,…
Sheltered In Sound – Field Recordings From the City
“Sheltered in Sound makes music to lean into” That phrase comes directly from the artist bio for Sheltered In Sound and I am trying not to simply ignore it as a general “advertisement” for a style of music that many consider “comfortable”. For some, “comfortable” can be confused for complacent background music or something that…
If You Haven’t Heard – Ghosts I’ve Met
Well here we are at the 3rd installment of “If You Haven’t Heard” and I have some beautiful Americana ballads from “Ghosts I’ve Met”. So put down your whiskey and grab the one that you want to hang onto and press play, you won’t be disappointed. Sam Watts is the heart of this “rotating cast”…
a Singer of Songs
–<Finally getting around to uploading the sister post of my You Crazy Dreamers write up of a Singer of Songs. My apologies to Lieven and you readers, see below. FYI – both posts include “Joy of a Solitary Man” and one track not included on the other blog’s post – this one being “Souvenirs”!>– So…
If You Haven’t Heard – The Cloud Hymn
How do I describe “The Cloud Hymn” other than repeating the newly assigned band name? I mean, no better description for a band lies in its name than what I have before you today. In the same way the band Death Vessel seems like a polar opposite of sound to name, this is a polar…
Oweihops dual post starts here (or ends here…)
Hello Slowcoustic readers! I wanted to post today to advise of a fairly recent update to my blogging persona — my dual personality! Okay that sounds dramatic, but I wanted to do a dual post with my other blogging life over on the You Crazy Dreamers Blog. Yes, it is true, I cheat on my…
Changing and Growing all the time…
“Changing and Growing” – this is a term used very often in my place of work. I might venture to say WAY to often used in my place of work. I use my professional life now in conjunction with my real life (day to day drone work vs. this website) and say that I am…