Category: Covers
Friday Song of the Day: Dolorean’s “Ghost of David (Damien Jurado Cover)”
Find a great cover of Damien Jurado’s “Ghost of David” performed by Dolorean from their split 7″ back in 2005
Weekend Recommendations & Blog Roundup (Wisco, Sam Quinn, Cold Seeds, Cap Obvious, Wentworth Kersey & Toothpaste!)
Music and blog roundup – great amount of recommendations and free music! Sam Quinn, Wilco tribute, Cold Seeds, Wentworth Kersey and more.
Hezekiah Jones takes on Radiohead’s Pablo Honey
2 tracks from Radiohead’s Pablo Honey album are covered live by Hezekiah Jones.
Saturday Singles Club – Folk Edition
The Mountains & The Trees, Brad Senne, Theodore, Winter Took His Life, Björn Kleinhenz, Joe Hertler and Elephant Micah – all around are recommended listening!
New album alert – Jeffrey Foucault & Mark Erelli release “Seven Curses”
“Seven Curses” – a collection of murder ballads is the focus of the new album from the collaboration of Jeffrey Foucault & Mark Erelli – (alt) Country at its best.
Update on my side project – Compilation Creation Playlist, “Yer Bird” Style
Saturday Playlist made up of artists who are contributing to the 2010 Yer Bird Records Compilation “Folk Music For What Lies Ahead”.
My Recent Listening Playlist – Monday Edition
Monday playlist featuring The Middle East, White Hinterland, Emily Jane White, Ghostkeeper, Glass Cake and Share!
Free Compilation Alert – OndaDrops Volume 1: Do You Know the Way to Blue?
…Italian music webzine “ondarock” has issued a double “disc” release of Slowcoustic music…features original stuff, existing album demos and even a cover (or two).
My holidays are a breeze. Yes, you read that right.
So this time of year (yes, its one of those posts, but come on here…) and it is usually either stressful, taxing, exhausting or simply wears you out. Or it just might be a combination of any of those ;-)
Is it depressing or just plain sad when a cover song can out shine an original?
it happens (possibly a lot to this band).
Saturday Quickie {Clint Michigan, E.P. Hall, Akira Kosemura, Josh Preston & Frank Schweikhardt}
Well this one is actually safe for work and is not the quickie some visitors might have been looking for when googling and finding yourself here. This is a quickie because I am currently in transition with home computers, waiting for delivery guys to deliver some furniture and hence I might only have a fleeting…
Folk Covers – We all love ’em. The Diamond Family Archive doesn’t disappoint!
Although I believe TDFA is more than these covers, take this as an introduction to the world of his sombre acoustic beauty, the songs here are quiet and alternate landscapes…