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Category: Singer Songwriter

  • John Goraj – A “Possible” Interview

    Well folks it is more than “possible”, it is in fact a post and interview with John Goraj.  Some may not know of this northern prairie boy, but you just might need to. I first heard John Goraj when fellow blogger Olivier over on You Crazy Dreamers put a post on him, and I took…

  • Stop looking here – What you want is elsewhere (mostly).

    So I just wanted to let you know that regardless of what you already know – this place, this very blog has everything you need – great design, interesting made up name, amazing selection of music and a host that is the guy you just want to know! But alas, there are other places on…

  • Just a couple of quick suggestions: Land of Leland and Anthony D’Amato

    What I will be listening to today on the way to work, from work and most likely when I get home tonight.  I love musical recommendations that work out. ~ Land of Leland Just a guy from Brooklyn – has a couple of nice tunes.  Okay, a couple of really nice tunes that he will…

  • Share’s “Slumping In Your Murals” to be released August 4th. Let the Countdown Begin!

    Share, the latest band I have found from Halifax, Nova Scotia is set to release their new album this August.  What is happening in the East Coast of Canada?   These people are ridiculously talented, it could be our version of Portland/Seattle, me thinks.  If I were you, I would start counting the days, as it needs to be…

  • This Is What Sunday is For – Ofeliadorme

    Ever want to lie awake and stare off to the distance, but with purpose?  Well, take a listen and feel yourself catching yourself gazing off, losing yourself while at the same time being totally focused. Ofeliadorme (or “Ophelia is Sleeping” translated from Italian) is part shoegaze, part ambient with a shake or two of dark…

  • What I’m Listening To This Weekend. You Should Be Too.

    So what will be spinning around the homestead this weekend?  Well see below for a breakdown of talent on tap – it is a bit all over the map (not really), but at least there is a bit of selection I think.  This is all subject to change as I will be hitting the streets…

  • The Day That Doesn’t Exist Each Year – June 10

    When we talk about this day, I was grateful for everything, I thanked you for the well wishes and we had a few beers.  Until tomorrow when it is not my birthday. “Birthday” from Dewer ~Smansmith

  • Slowcoustic Recommends…Thomas J Speight

    Sure you find yourself trolling the internet for music, listen to websites, discuss with friends, but sometimes it finds you.  This is what happens when you have a music blog – people find you and often it is so-so, sometimes it is horrible, and now and again you find something that you really like.  I…

  • The Antlers “new” Album Hospice, gets me back on board

    So I know it was available, I know it was getting some pretty good press from fellow bloggers.  I just didn’t immediately take the “real listen”.  I don’t know why.  I might have be the deluge of music the last few months, finding another couple of releases that took over my listening, work or general…

  • Justin Rutledge on Camera Music!

    I am a HUGE fan of Scott Cudmore’s Camera Music series on AUX TV and he has provided another awesome episode with Justin Rutledge (looking forward to seeing him this summer here in Calgary).  In familiar Camera Music fashion there is a “day in the life” feel to the series – you can definitely find…

  • Thinking Warmer Thoughts With “Hot” Playlist: June Snow in Calgary Mix

    I am a little sad as I awoke to snow on the ground this June.  Yes, snow in June.  I know many of you are thinking…”But Sandy, you live in Calgary….that is in Canada!”.  Damn it, it still shouldn’t snow in June.  I have already had my sunburn from a couple weeks back fade and…

  • Beauty in Pairs – Sarah Winchester and Tara Jane O’Neil

    So I stumbled across a little bit of a sampler a week or so ago.  Somehow found it while floundering around various links on the interwebs due to my love of the Sarah Winchester EP (posted on it here – Highly Recommended).  Turns out that this Cascadia compilation hosted a pre-release version of “Oh the…